New Camera

This isn’t strictly jewellery-related but I’ve been dying to take photos of our backyard for about 18 months now, and I could never properly capture the forest-like proportions until the new camera got here. And this morning, the gorgeous fog and sunrise I see out my bathroom window nearly every day didn’t fail me. I popped out the window screen and, completely on auto, got this:


Which is totally gorgeous and almost conveys the real beauty of this scenery (and also how dirty my windows are, but that’s not the point).

But then I started to play with the zoom. Watch at I manually get closer, and closer, and closer to the point where I am literally photographing things I can’t see with the naked eye:





Click that last one and choose Actions >View All sizes to really see how close I got and the details on the thing.

Let’s take a closer look at that 30x zoom. I can only approximate where the zoomed-in portion was on the original because seriously… the camera sees better than I do.



Also, some zero-editing (well, a very slight histogram edit) beach glass photos from this afternoon:

Common Beach Glass

Common Beach Glass


Common Colours


Black Beach Glass

Lavender Beach Glass

Yellow Beach Glass

Aqua, true Black, Lavender, Lemon Yellow

That’s all I accomplished this weekend… had a very sleepy Saturday and spent most of Friday hanging out with kittens. It’s hard to tear myself away for any reason!


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