Arts North

I’m struggling with my light box – I burnt out a bulb yesterday and got a replacement today, plus a side lamp, but it still doesn’t seem to be bright enough. Or angled properly. Or something. Anyway. I needed to take some photos to be featured on Arts North, so …

Craft Market – Afterwards

So the show! Had to load and unload the car in the pouring rain; had a four-hour set-up that was completely killer on the back and knees and feet on the concrete floors, which became a recurring theme throughout the weekend. BUT we suffer for our art, no? I think …

Christmas at Victoria Park

So I’m a bit of a knucklehead. I wanted to send out notice to people I know locally that I’ll be selling my jewellery at the market this weekend. I spent 20 minutes gathering emails from different email programs and my MSN contacts. I wrote the email verrrry carefully. Then …

Craft Market Preview

Preview! 175 pieces. Not nearly enough. I have GOT to get back to work. BUT it only took about an hour to take all those photos, and I only had to delete two for being out of focus. Not bad, not bad at all. Show: November 24, 25, 26, Victoria …