Pre-emptive Verdict: IT’S BRILLIANT.
Day One: I went to the post office, set up the world’s fastest, easiest lightbox (seriously, have never been able to take photos like this so quickly), took a stack of photos for an upcoming Facebook sale event, figured out that I could dome the bottlecaps I’ve been staring at and add them to the kidney wire earring findings I just got, made a bunch of crystal pendants and steampunk pendants and labradorite pendants AND I was home and able to receive a package and then sort and put the contents away.
And did I mention the mid-day nap? Because oh yes. There was a nap. And more steps than I ever got in a single day at my office job.
Day Two: I got cocked off sideways a bit after spending four (billable) hours doing design work for a friend, but meantime I managed to take more photos and pull some rainbow buttons for a vague Pride project I had in mind. Then had some theatre. And a nap.
Day Three: Went for a walk before 8am, took the coloured gears I had intended to go with the bottlecaps and turned them into their own style of earrings, had a few false starts on a Pride necklace but then found my stride and made a baker’s dozen, had a headache at 11am so I put my head on a supportive pillow for an hour and came back feeling refreshed, worked on my website, celebrated my husband’s birthday, and now I’m back in the studio / office to get this site’s shipping options up to snuff.
Below are some of the earrings and Pride pendants I have created. Come to the Sydney Waterfront Festival to buy them – or maybe check in next week to see if my site is set up to take your money!

There’s no stopping me now.