I think I burned myself out making things for my fall shows – I’ve made barely anything all winter. It’s time to ramp it back up, though! First up, getting this blog internal. It took some finagling, but I think I’m all set. Next, I’ll take and show you some photos of a few lower-end pieces I made to bring to the flea market in order to make some cash to get my wisdom teeth out (still recovering, ouch). These are things you’ll never see at my shows or galleries – but trust me, my gallery work is much more elaborate and fun. I really really needed cash. :) I’ve been off work for most of the week and I should have time today and this weekend to bring some of my plans to fruition. I hope to get back into production before Monday. Hey, I just realized I didn’t share photos of my other two shows in the fall. I think I just collapsed after the last one and haven’t yet recovered. First, Marconi. The sign is in the back in the corner, but I pulled it out front next to the stand-up area before the show started.
I found my earring sales went up when I reduced the number on the table/stands. Also, people LOVED the loose agate slices, centre. Not sure if it was because they were loose or because they were centre. In any case, I didn’t do very well at this show and I won’t be doing it again. Next, Victoria Park. This is the only juried show we have, and it showed. I did much better than the other two shows, by far. I’ll be doing only this show from now on – and not just because of the numbers. The CBCCD is a godsend and I felt welcomed and supported. Well worth the extra booth cost.
Finally, I had a call about a week after the show for a commission for a wifely xmas present, made with beach glass they picked up together:
And now back to making my website more cohesive. Wish me luck!