Taking a Breather

There have been so many amazing opportunities coming up because of the book that I’ve been flat-out, working my day-job and completing extra projects, promoting the book, and generally going mad with joyful busy-ness, for months. So at the last minute, I took this past week off the day-job and …

Art Date!

I’m super excited to play with my friend Whitney tomorrow… as a visual/doodle artist, she’s just started with polymer clay by carving her own stamps. Meanwhile, I’d love to create my own stamps for my clay – I’m currently using another lady’s zentangle stamps, which I love but they’re not …


A couple of weeks ago, a friend and I leaned on each other … each of us were having a hard time and so we spent the day just nosing around town, getting errands done, distracting. I wanted to go to Value Village to look at metal bits, all the …

Chakra Resolution

About a million years ago, when I was working out the gemstone combinations for my Focus line, I drew this Chakra necklace idea: Today I turned it into this! Top to bottom… Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Seraphinite, Amber, Carnelian, Garnet, and Onyx Fun so far!

On Creativity & Collaboration

I was lucky enough to be in attendance at the first day of the first annual Growing a Creative Economy conference, hosted by the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design, earlier this week. The first day had several excellent speakers, and I came away with an actionable list of …

Double Focus

I had a moment of clarity yesterday that has helped me narrow down and organize the types of  jewellery I’m making. I was able to group my work into collections and break the collections down into types, which allowed me to see where I’m wasting energy and where I’m missing …

Twelve Days…

I’m getting married! In twelve days! Here’s what I’m working on to wear that day :) It’s not exactly finished yet, I don’t think… but maybe it is? I’m not sure! I feel like it needs more metal. That large centrepiece is a pair of bracelets pulled onto the hand-made …

Home to Roost

A bunch of super-talented local artisans and I are working on a gallery exhibition that opens in about a month. It’s all about birds and there are a LOT of great ideas flying around our intermittent meetings. Working with such creative minds is exhilarating… staring down a deadline, a little …

Busy as a Bee

My Arts North end-of-season inventory is back, and I’m pleased to discover that I now have twice as many rings as I thought I had, and nearly twice as many earrings. Phew! This is good, because I woke up this morning realizing this is my last full weekend of production, …

Where to Buy, Xmas Season 2011

Some folks have been asking where to buy my jewellery this year. Here’s the list! Centre 200 Christmas Craft Fair Friday, November 11: 2pm – 9pm Saturday, November 12: 10am – 8pm Sunday, November 13: Noon – 5pm Holiday Spirit at Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design Tentative schedule: …