Video up: Simple Wire Wrap with Accidental Asymmetry Lesson

Yesterday I declared to my husband that today I would shoot and publish a video if it kills us all – me, him, the cats, the neighbours – whatever it took, I was getting this done.

I think we’re all still alive?

Making My Own Metal!

Metal clay is something I’ve been aching to put into production for years… And this past November, I did it! My gorgeous wee secondhand kiln was incredibly simple to use. Two half hour sessions at 1500 degrees and I’m well over the double rainbow with joy. This metal is solid, …

Working from home is hard, yall

I’ve been having trouble doing anything on a consistent basis. This whole make-your-own-hours thing is hard when there are kittehs to snuggle, naps to have, husbands to love, and video games to play (note that housecleaning and laundry are very conspicuously absent from this list). Apparently, from the outside, it looks …

Flash Sale – Fall 2018

Hey y’all! I’m not sure if you’re interested but I thought it couldn’t hurt to let you know that I’ve got a fall flash sale planned for later today. When I set the date I didn’t realize it was Thanksgiving (Canada) so you’ll probably be full of turkey or ham …

The Next Step

My first interaction with beads was a small Minnie Mouse tin full of seed beads. I don’t remember where it came from but I carried that thing everywhere, just to enjoy looking at them and running my fingers through the tin, and when a neighbour kid spilled it into the …

Adventures in Hobo Soldering

After a time with my real-live-jeweler’s-bench and oxy-propane torch and flexshaft, I was mildly ousted to across the room when a REAL goldsmith was finally hired for the repair shop I work at. I didn’t mind because honestly, much of what they’re doing for repairs is difficult and finicky and …

Inspiration & Buttons

A while back I was lucky enough to find and purchase this fantastic lot of vintage metal buttons online, and it has been a source of inspiration and new projects ever since. I immediately (as in, abandoned what I was doing when the package arrived) started smashing the crap outta …

Expanding Markets

If you’ve been wondering where on earth I have been hiding myself for the past few weeks, wonder no further. I have been preparing for and attending my first buyer’s markets – first a small one in Sydney, then the big one, in Halifax. This was a setup where each …

Surprise! Dream Job

Two weeks ago, money was tight and I thought I’d better look for a part time job for a little while. It’s January, and as expected my self-employed income is minimal. It took me approximately fifteen minutes to discover that a friend was looking for a full-time goldsmith. I messaged …

Working for Me

It’s nearing the end of 2017, and I’m almost half a year into my new life. Seems like a good time to take stock! Here’s what’s different in my life since I left a salaried, employed position at the end of July and began working for myself in August: SLEEPING. …

Medallions & Evolution

There’s something always happening in my head – evolutions, adaptations, innovations – that keeps me constantly making changes to the art I produce. Every time I learn a new technique, see a new product, or play in a new medium, there’s a… a twist. I can always see how to connect the …

Holiday Jewellery Sale!

My semi-monthly Facebook Event Sales have been going well! I’m excited to present the last one for the year. I realized not everyone who reads this blog is on my Facebook business page, so I thought I’d put up a wee post to let you know it’s happening! :) Details …

Deck the Halls

Despite an autumn full of growing misgivings, the Deck the Halls show has boosted my spirits back to full capacity. A gorgeous, curated show in a venue that can only be considered “quaint”, that show basically IS Christmas, and the effect of the oldest church in Sydney festooned with greenery and …

Shows & Fairs

Here it is. The end of the year; the glut in craft fairs and shows upon which I have been hanging my hopes for a successful run at being a small-business-owner. The past few weeks have been full of plans and – more exciting – execution of those plans, resulting in a healthy …

Watching Paint Dry – Lumiere Halo Paint Effects on Polymer Clay

Back when I was in Knoxville for one of my JTV appearances, I found a Hobby Lobby and managed to keep from dragging home the entire store. I did, however get some new carving material – it’s very thin and it was quite affordable, even with the ridiculous Canadian exchange rate. …