I decided that 2017 would be the year I did something meaningful and deliberate with my youtube channel. First step was to create a short intro for my videos – key word being short. I didn’t want to bore people or waste their precious time. Next, I had to get my sorry face in front of a camera. This video is what resulted:
Next, I had to get my sorry face in front of a camera. This video is what resulted:
Not too long afterward this was posted, I realized I had just promised the internet I would make more videos. What had I done?! There were 9,000 subscribers on this channel! HAVE I GONE MAD.
Well anyway, I recorded audio for my first, biggest, quietest video and re-uploaded it with the new branding added as well. I was going to keep recording audio for the old ones but realized their quality wasn’t super great, so instead I dug up a video I had recorded last July for crying out loud – with talking, even – and spent a Sunday editing it together. It turned out REALLY LONG but maybe people like that? I know sometimes I like that. So I posted it. Maybe you’ll like it too?
Not sure what’s next. I think a short series of different ways to add colour here, to start with. I’ve got an exciting trip coming up soon, so maybe I’ll alternate audio’ed re-uploads with new content for a while. What do you think? What video would you like to see?