Arts North

My parents took a little trip up to Arts North and around the Cabot Trail a couple of weeks ago just so they could drop off some work for me, see the gallery and just take a little trip! Here’s a collage of some photos they took – they’re mostly blurry so there’s no point in showing them up close.

Clock wise from top left: The building from outside; my main display! The left shutter-type-thing is Darryl MacLeod’s work, while the black-covered table and right-shutter-type-thing is mine, with my mom reflected in the mirror in between; the ring display at the counter – mine are on the middle shelf of that little glass display, and if you look closely you can see my business card there; the main area of the gallery shop, filled with the owner’s gorgeous pottery; the upstairs of the shop, with some of Shari Macleod’s baskets (I recognize her work having done their website), and some artwork and really pretty quilts.

Isn’t it a totally gorgeous place? The floors are to die for. I’m very excited, especially since my first check is coming in the mail and it’s basically the same as a week’s worth of work at my day job. Not bad! They promise that June is really slow, too, and that I’m doing really well.

Go me!

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